<center><h2>Lithium Parent Trap </h2></center>
You are a grain of lithium. You have existed in what is now Bolivia for millions of years.
You were in igneous rock, and for a long time you were in the bed of a salt-water lake.
[[[Continue->Intro p1]]]\
(if: $replay is > 0)[[[
Skip the intro->find out]]]\
(set: $suspicious to 0)\
(set: $ending to 0)
\(set: $days to 11)
Created by Boho Interactive.The lithium around you has been there as long as you have. You’ve known it, across millennia.
There’s one grain of lithium with whom you are very close. You consider yourselves to be life partners.
[[Continue->Intro p3]]You know that you were processed, transported to a lithium ion battery factory, and then placed in a smartphone, where after a long period of time you have regained awareness.
You know this because you are now connected to the internet, and have access to a vast amount of information.
[[Continue->Into p6]]Now, this won’t be easy. The human who owns the smartphone received a call from their mother yesterday, and you were able to listen. The mother promised them a new phone for their upcoming birthday, so you’ll have to work fast. You only have (text-colour:"green")[11 days] to find your partner.
But you also need to be subtle - if you’re too noticeable, your human might become (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about the behaviour of their phone and replace you sooner.
First you need to [[find out]] what happened to your partner.There's a few ways you can use the search engines on the phone to research lithium mining. You can:
[[Take over]] and force searches while your human is using their phone for other things (1 day)
[[Run search scripts in the background]] while they're using their phone, dramatically slowing its performance (2 days)
[[Run searches overnight]] while the phone is charging and on powersaver mode (3 days)<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/a71906c4-7718-4ca7-a0eb-6e8cf91c9792/scrolling.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;">
(font:"Arial")["What is going on with this phone?
It's brand new!"]</center>
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious].(set: $days to it - 1)
The human is confused and frustrated, but you manage to find what you're looking for (text-colour:"green")[fast].
You learn that after it’s mined, lithium is used most commonly for batteries – including electric vehicles, pacemakers, aircraft, and smartphones.
[[But where did my partner end up?->Find partner]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 3)<center>(font:"Arial")["This is a brand new phone, it shouldn't be this slow!
If I have to take this back I'll be so mad."]</center>
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.(set: $days to it - 2)
The human calms down once you're done, but more importantly, you found what you're looking for.
You learn that after it’s mined, lithium is used most commonly for batteries – including electric vehicles, pacemakers, aircraft, and smartphones.
[[But where did my partner end up?->Find partner]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)The human wakes during the night and checks their phone - the interuption to your search is easily worth keeping a low profile. It might not have been (text-colour:"green")[fast], but you've found what you're looking for, and you weren't (text-colour:"yellow")[detected] at all.(set: $days to it - 3)
You learn that after it’s mined, lithium is used most commonly for batteries – including electric vehicles, pacemakers, aircraft, and smartphones.
[[But where did my partner end up?->Find partner]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 0)<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/367de4ef-5762-4890-8bf8-ef4ae6deb452/loadingphone.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>
You add a hidden message to the phone’s next software update. It’s a longshot because people famously do not update their phones. But after (text-colour:"green")[a day], you discover a reply in the update of another app. Your partner has seen your message, and sent you the details of their device.(set: $days to it - 1)
You track that phone’s location data and determine they are in Other City, on the opposite side of the country.
You need to [[convince your human to take a trip->influence]].You'll have to alter the information shown on your human's phone. It'll take a few strategies working together to have an effect, and whatever you choose is going to take some time.
[[Show tourism ads]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased. The plan is working, but you need to do more.
[[Prioritise social media updates->tour-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->tour-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->tour-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->tour-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. Maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 3)
You weren't (text-colour:"yellow")[detected] at all.
The plan is working, but you need to do more.
[[Show tourism ads->soc-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->soc-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->soc-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->soc-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. Maybe I should take a holiday and get away from everything for a bit."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased. The plan is working, but you need to do more.
[[Show tourism ads->news-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->news-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->news-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->news-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, Other City looks great and maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], though it was faster than the other options. The plan is working, but you need to do more.
[[Show tourism ads->link-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->link-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->link-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->link-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.](set: $days to it - 2)
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip."
That was a little (text-colour:"yellow")[supicious]. The plan is working, but you need to do more.
[[Show tourism ads->save-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->save-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->save-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->save-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)A (text-colour:"green")[day] since the flight booking, and you've finally made it to Other City.(set: $days to it - 1)
(if: $days is 1)[You figure that you have (text-colour:"green")[$days day] left]\
(else-if: $days is < 1)[By your count, you're out of days. There's no teeling when the Mother might call. You're on borrowed time.]
(else:)[You figure that you still have (text-colour:"green")[$days days] left], but there's no telling when the Mother might call.
Your partner has already shared with you their human's places of work and leisure, now you just need to get your human to one of those places.
They work at the city hospital as a nurse. You could change your human’s fitbit data to [[fake a heart attack]] (1 day)
The other human walks their dog at a big park - you could hijack the phone’s public transport app, create some fake schedules, and [[leave your human stranded]] at the park (3 days)
You could [[hide recommendations on tripadvisor]] to leave only the other human's favourite cafe (2 days)(I mean, why wouldn't you pick this?)
The human walks into the hospital emergency room in a huff.
(font:"Arial")["I bet this is just my phone and my fitbit playing up. But my family has a history of heart illness, so I will do my due diligence and see a nurse."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], but you made it happen very (text-colour:"green")[quickly].
They're taken into a room where a nurse quickly confirms that they are in good health.
You don’t need the smartphone’s location services, wifi sensors and bluetooth networks to know that you’re in the same room as your partner. You can feel it in your very being. But the extra data is nice.
The two humans notice each other, give a smile, and say hi.
[[It's a meet-cute!]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 3)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Maybe this is the phone messing up, but it feels more likely it's the bus."](set: $days to it - 3)
After forty-five minutes waiting for a non-existent bus, your human decides to spend a while in the park. A well-timed high-pitched beep, inperceptible to humans, draws a dog over.
That wasn't very (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], but it took a few (text-colour:"green")[days] to get your human to the right park.
You don’t need the smartphone’s location services, wifi sensors and bluetooth networks to know that you’re in the presence your partner. You can feel it in your very being. But the extra data is nice.
The two humans notice each other, give a smile, and say hi.
[[It's a meet-cute!]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I refuse to believe this city has one cafe. I walked past three this morning. Starting to think there's something really wrong with this phone. I'm hungry though, so I guess I go with what's ostensibly the only cafe."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
You don’t need the smartphone’s location services, wifi sensors and bluetooth networks to know that you’re in the same room as your partner. You can feel it in your very being. But the extra data is nice.
The two humans notice each other, give a smile, and say hi.
[[It's a meet-cute!]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/b7a4ccd4-fd7b-4317-aea1-b953ede61671/lithiumlocation.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>
As they get out their phones to exchange numbers, you detect an incoming phone call from your human’s mother.
This call could disrupt a crucial moment, but you’ve learned how scrutinous the mother is, and blocking the call will definitely have consequences.
You’re so close. What do you do?
[[Let the phone call go through]]
[[Block the call]]You let the call go through, and listen in.
(font:"Arial")[Listen, I know I was going to get you a new phone, but I've just seen this "giant teddy bear that'll look great in your room. And you answered my call, so your phone clearly still works. We can get you a new one soon.]
The Mother has bought you some more time, but [[is it enough?->Has it?]]\
(set: $days to it + 2)(set: $call to 1)You block the call, and can already detect the mother writing a message.(set: $suspicious to it + 1)(set: $call to 0)
You only hope this hasn't ruined everything.
[[Has it?]](if: $ending is 1)[The two humans get together and move to the same city. After a year or so, both humans upgrade their phones.
However, you and your partner are disposed at the same time, and end up side by side in landfill, ready to experience the coming millennia -
two grains of lithium, together once again.]\
(else-if: $ending is 2)[You manage to get the two humans together, but on their first date your human replaces their phone. Your partner tries to sabotage their own phone but the plan doesn’t work, and you are separated once more.
Before parting, you and your partner manage to share final messages, which you cling to as you are moved to landfill, ready to experience the coming millennia alone.]\
(else-if: $ending is 3)[The two humans exchange numbers, but the next day an express parcel arrives with a new phone. (if: $call is 1)[Was the teddy bear just a ruse? No matter. ]It seems your efforts were just not fast enough.
On the upside, your cautious plans have meant your human doesn’t suspect a thing, and they keep you in a drawer as a backup phone. By accessing the wifi at night, you and your partner are able to share messages for over a year before you are depowered and go silent.
These messages will keep you company in the landfill, as you prepare to experience the coming millennia.]\
(else:)[The two humans exchange numbers, , but the next day an express parcel arrives with a new phone. (if: $call is 1)[Was the teddy bear just a ruse? No matter. ]It seems your efforts were just not fast enough.
Before parting, you and your partner managed to share final messages, which is something to hold on to when your human takes you in to get replaced.
As you soon find yourself in a landfill, those messages will be treasured company in the millennia to come.]
[[The end]]
(if: $ending is 1)[<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/e2fb6109-33c9-4539-a832-6f76bfe380c0/starrynight.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>](else:)[<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/0a0bfe79-c330-4ef6-bb12-23448a3d803e/landfill.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>]Thanks for playing Lithium Parent Trap!
[[Play again->Lithium Parent Trap Intro]](set: $replay to 1)
Created by Boho Interactive.
<a href="http://www.bohointeractive.com" target="_blank">www.bohointeractive.com</a>
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. Maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 2)
The human is close! They weren't even (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about that one. One more push might do it.
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. Maybe I should take a holiday and get away from everything for a bit."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, Other City looks great and maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 2)
The human is close! Though that was risky. One more push might do it.
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. I've been thinking about going over there the last couple of days, why don't I book a weekend?"](set: $days to it - 2)
Nice one! They weren't even (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about that one. Now it's time to [[take a trip]] =><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. First thing tomorrow, I'm booking a holiday to Other City."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
You did it! Now it's time to [[take a trip]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow, I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.(set: $days to it - 2)
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip. I've been thinking about going to Other City for a while now. Why not?"]
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
Nice work! Now it's time to [[take a trip]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, the city looks great and maybe it's time for a holiday."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], though it was faster than the other options.
But you've done it. Nice work! Now it's time to [[take a trip]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for that Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though. Why not?"](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
You did it! Time to [[take a trip]]
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though"](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. Maybe I should take a holiday and get away from everything for a bit."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-news]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, Other City looks great and maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], though it was faster than the other options.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though"](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. Maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 2)
The human is close! They weren't even (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about that one. One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, the city looks great and maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], though it was faster than the other options.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though"](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. Maybe I should take a holiday and get away from everything for a bit."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["That's the third link today that's gone to VisitOtherCity dot com. Something weird is going on here. Is it malware? Is there something wrong with my phone?
...that said, the city looks great and maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 1)
That was extremely (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious], though it was faster than the other options.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 2)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. Maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 2)
The human is close! They weren't even (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about that one. One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Regularly change weblinks->third-link]] to go to VisitOtherCity dot com (1 day)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm getting an awful lot of ads for Other City all of a sudden. Weird. Looks great this time of year, though"](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I forgot how many friends I have in Other City. They always seem to be doing such fun things. Maybe I should take a trip sometime."](set: $days to it - 2)
The human is close! They weren't even (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] about that one. One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)=><=
(font:"Arial")["I'm so sick of doomscrolling through bad news. It's like the algorithm just shows you bad stuff on purpose. Maybe I should take a holiday and get away from everything for a bit."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Deprioritise frivolous ads->third-save]] so your human spends less and has more money for a holiday (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)=><=
(font:"Arial")["Wow I've got more money than I've had in ages. How did that happen? I guess I haven't been buying much the last couple of days.
"Hmm, maybe I should use it for a trip."](set: $days to it - 2)
Your human's (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicion] has increased.
The human is close! One more push might do it.
[[Show tourism ads->third-tour]] for Other City (2 days)
[[Prioritise social media updates->third-soc]] from people and events in Other City (3 days)
[[Focus on negative news stories->third-news]] to raise unhappiness (2 days)
\(set: $suspicious to it + 1)In this game we keep track of two things:
The first is how (text-colour:"green")[fast] you were at hunting down and connecting with your partner.
(if: $days is < 1)[You were patient, maybe too patient](else:)[You wasted very little time] in searching and pushing the humans together.
The second is how much attention you drew to yourself, and how (text-colour:"yellow")[suspicious] your human became.
(if: $suspicious is < 9)[You took some risks but managed to keep a fairly low profile, pushing the boundaries of how a phone should behave but never crossing them.](else:)[You played fast and loose, and definitely did not behave like a normal smartphone. Suspicion and paranoia were rife.]
[[So what happens?->Ending]]\
(if: $days is > 0 and $suspicious is < 9)[(set: $ending to 1)]\
(if: $days is > 0 and $suspicious is > 8)[(set: $ending to 2)]\
(if: $days is < 1 and $suspicious is < 9)[(set: $ending to 3)]\
(if: $days is < 1 and $suspicious is > 8)[(set: $ending to 4)]<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/2d391c02-b83f-4e1c-b2a6-983a61d50d34/lithiummine.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>
About forty thousand years ago that lake dried up and became what is known as Salar de Uyinu, the world's biggest salt pan.
You can see it from space.
It's the largest flat area on earth.
And it’s the largest source of lithium in the world.
[[Continue->Intro p2]]Together, you felt the formation of the Andes mountain range.
Together, you witnessed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs.
Together, you were in the set of one of the recent Star Wars movies.
[[Continue->Intro p4]] However, you are no longer together.
Recently you were both mined from Salar de Uyini and separated.
You don’t know what has happened to your life partner.
[[Continue->Intro p5]] You also have access to tools in the smartphone that let you sense the world around you, and influence the device you are now part of.
And you intend to use all this to [[find your life partner]].<center><img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5a6331f0f14aa1dadc5b8f2e/1ca2a30f-b6af-4afb-a0fc-3358e94a167b/batteryfactory.gif?content-type=image%2Fgif" style="max-width: 100%;"></center>
By accessing satellite images, you track the lithium shipment that included you and your partner across the ocean to a battery factory in China.
[[Continue->Find partner 2]]You need to learn how lithium is used, and where the mining shipment including your partner ended up. You can do this by accessing the phone's input controls.
You'll also be able to access the phone's history, contacts and anything else that might be useful.
[[Infiltrate the phone->Time to investigate]]You learn that the factory makes smartphones, including the smartphone you find yourself in.
Given the window of time, you can deduce that your partner is in a similar model phone to you, likely running the same software.
[[You could reach out to them->Reach out to your partner]](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "showdays")[
You have (text-colour:"green")[$days days] remaining.]
(else:)[<!--Do nothing-->]